The Global Goals are a set of 17 objectives established by the UN, aimed at creating a better and more sustainable future for all. These goals are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
At Internationalerecycling, we believe that both individuals and corporations should strive to achieve these objectives. We must collaborate for the common good: global peace and prosperity.
Internationalerecycling is committed to the following sustainable development goals:
› Blood donation to Murcia Health Service by our workers.
› Sponsored runs by the Global París athletics team.
› Creation of sports teams formed by our workers.
› Energy transition based on rational use and clean energies.
› Currently, our consumption of clean energy is 50%, and in 2021-2022 it will be 75%.
› Clean energy: replacing old lighting with cleaner LED (SCRAPYARD, PLANT).
› Currently, more than 85% of our workforce is on a permanent contract, and we are striving to increase that figure.
› At the same time, our workforce has grown by 13% every year since 2013.
› Inclusion of disabled people and integration (no discrimination).
› Diversification of the investment in new business models based on the research and development of sustainable environmental services.
› Post-fragmentation plant project.
› Annual financial donation to various Murcian associations that fight inequality: Cáritas, Manos Unidas, Jesús Abandonado, CAIF…
› New sustainable packaging for Desguace París shipments.
› New bags made from recycled material.
› Promotion of environmental events sponsorship.
› Creation of collection points for WEEE.
› Creation of the “Global París Ecology Brigade”.
› Distribution of recycling bins around workplaces.
› Carbon Footprint Certification Project.
› Creation of collaboration frameworks with other conglomerates with the aim of multiplying resources.